Asian Region of The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association

Call for Applications for Community of Practice on ‘Sustaining Movements for Equal Rights of LGBTIQ+ People’

LGBTIQ+ movements are the lifeblood of progressive change that is envisioned by the Power of Pride programme. Supporting LGBTIQ+ organisations and activists in over 22 countries across Asia and Africa, Power of Pride, led by the Alliance of COC Netherlands, ILGA Asia and Pan Africa ILGA, works inside-out to resource and empower LGBTIQ+ movements for creating diverse and inclusive societies where LGBTIQ+ people can live up to their full potential.

 Sustaining these movements is not merely a matter of networking or building strategic alliances; it is a mutual commitment to justice, inclusivity and co-liberation. Resilient movements are the incubating space for collective action, necessary for building communities, strengthening organisations and mobilising allies, that can then lay the groundwork for effective Lobby and Advocacy initiatives for influencing laws, policies and norms. Most importantly, nurturing the bonds of transformative solidarity across lines of difference within these movements is essential to driving social change.

Since its inception, Power of Pride has been working on a range of strategies and mechanisms to sustain LGBTIQ+ movements across 22 countries. In order to harness key learnings on this crucial aspect of the programme, we are opening applications for highly motivated and committed individuals to join a Community of Practice on Sustaining Movements for Equal Rights of LGBTIQ+ People that will run for approximately one year. This is part of the Learning Agenda of the programme which is implemented using an inside-out and participatory approach.

To learn more, head on over to:

Japan: Amend laws surrounding legal gender recognition

South Korea: Supreme Court extends state health benefits to same-sex partners