Asian Region of The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association

The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - The (In)sight Episode

The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - The (In)sight Episode

2 September 2022

This episode reflects on and unpacks the story of Shahriyar* so far. Hosts Ryan and Zohra share their insights on the persecution of LGBTIQ Afghans under Taliban rule, Shahriyar’s dire efforts to leave Afghanistan and the role of organisations like ILGA Asia in providing humanitarian assistance.

The (In)sight Episode delves into the premiere episode of The Rainbow Refugee Podcast: Bridges of Hope entitled ‘Lost and (Not)Found)’. The third and final part of Shahriyar’s story will be released next week.

This episode is hosted by Zohra Mousavi, our Afghanistan Programme Coordinator, and Ryan Ong, our Communications Officer.

This episode is in English. See the announcement page for more information on the podcast and episode releases.”

Podcast Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the podcast speakers’ own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of ILGA Asia.

Listen below:

Content Warning: Homophobia, transphobia, sexism and misogyny, stalking or harassment, violence, torture, murder, depression, abuse, and death.

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The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - Episode 1: Lost and (Not)Found, Part 3

The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - Episode 1: Lost and (Not)Found, Part 3

The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - Episode 1: Lost and (Not)Found, Part 2

The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - Episode 1: Lost and (Not)Found, Part 2