The Rainbow Refugee Podcast - The (In)sight Episode

This episode reflects on and unpacks the story of Shahriyar* so far. Hosts Ryan and Zohra share their insights on the persecution of LGBTIQ Afghans under Taliban rule, Shahriyar’s dire efforts to leave Afghanistan and the role of organisations like ILGA Asia in providing humanitarian assistance.

Country Report on SOGIESC Rights In India: An Unfinished Agenda

In the past decade, there have been many developments pertaining to LGBTI rights in India. While there is growing acceptance of LGBTI identities in society in the current generation, challenges related to acceptance and inclusion continue in formal and informal institutions like families, schools, and workplaces. The acceptance also varies from urban to rural areas where the literacy rates are quite low.

Cambodia LGBTIQ Rights Report 2021: Rainbow In the Rain

This study discusses the current social context of Cambodia and how it affects LGBTIQ people. While, there is a growing acceptance, especially from urban societies, there is a limited understanding of sexual orientation and gender identities and a general preference to heteronormative identities resulting in stigma and discrimination towards LGBTIQ people.