#together4change, End of the Year 2019
Dear Friends of ILGA Asia,
It's the end of the year 2019. This year, there was great news, some setbacks and challenges in this region in terms of LGBTI rights. First of all, we would like to send our support, love and best wishes to the LGBTI individuals, human rights defenders, organisations and communities who have worked relentlessly for a better future.
This year, ILGA Asia successfully held the 8th ILGA Asia regional conference, #together4change. From 19-23 August 2019, 310 LGBTI activists and allies from 46 countries around the world came to the conference and we worked and discussed together for a change. This November, we also had new training on trainers for UN human rights mechanism. ILGA Asia will continue to hold various events to support LGBTI activists and organisations in the region in 2020.
The theme of the conference this year was “Building Alliances to Strengthen the Movement,” stressing the need to connect and collaborate with allies from other movements and sectors, in addition to forming alliances with other members in the LGBTI community. In 2020, we will try our best to build alliances to strengthen the movement in different ways.
Please don't forget to follow our social media channels and newsletter to keep posted on our updates on various events and calls. We wish you a lovely and peaceful new year.
Asian Caucus at ILGA World Conference (20190319, Wellington, New Zealand)
8th ILGA Asia Regional Conference (190819-23, Seoul, South Korea)
Board Meeting (191102-05, Hanoi, Vietnam)
TOT UN Mechanisms - Southeast Asia (20191202-1206)